When I was growing up I watched a lot of cartoons. My dad actually once said I could tell the name of a Warner Brothers or Tom and Jerry cartoon just by the music. Some part of that is slightly true. These cartoons do bring me to my point of tonight's discussion, suspension of disbelief.
If you are not familiar with this term it means- suspending judgement concerning the implausibility of the narrative, as coined by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Like the identity of Superman: How the Hell can you not know it's Clark Kent it's only a stupid pair of glasses. But for Lois and Jimmy, totally oblivious. And thank God for that or else everyone would have a photo of Superman taking a glowing kryptonian crap.
This leads to more questionable workings of this theory...Superman talks about Clark Kent in third person. Superman is a liar and believes his lies.
Anyway I'm not a Superman fan. I laughed when Lobo flew to the "Fortress of Solitude" and hammered his face into spaghetti. HA!
Back to the main point, suspension of disbelief is in everything: movies, television and esp. cartoons. But for me it taught me about dreams and how they don't come true. If you jump from a plane, you had better have a parachute...or else, splat! No coming back. That could also have been in physics class. Oh yeah, it taught me if you hit someone they feel it and it could possibly injure them. Actions have repercussions, but alas too late. Suspending disbelief does not suspend the truth and no matter how bad you want to believe the lies...what they are is still what they are.
Density is one of my faults, not as far as mass, but as far as words and meanings permeating the skull and getting understood. I once asked to look at the world with childlike amusement and I think it was granted to me. I took things for face value, I trusted people and actions didn't seem to have consequences. I said things to people because I thought I could be honest. I thought I could help people by giving motivational advice. I was wrong! I suspended my disbelif in hurting people and taking people for granted.
I have been lied to recently and for some reason that got through to me quicker than anything that was said in so many years, because it was something I didn't want to hear. I had suspended my disbelief of things being wrong. I was Mister In-Between (that's a Bing Crosby reference, don't make me pull out a sack of sweet Valencia oranges), not accentuating the positive, dwelling on the negative and keeping myself in the dark and affecting everyone around me. Not hard to say it-
Words have meanings, people have feelings and actions have consequences.
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