Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dating and Porn Sites...Nickelodeon

I got a problem with dating. I hate it! Well, I shouldn't say hate...that's a strong word, much like loathe, disgustipating to quote Yosemite Sam. Dating sites like Plenty of Fudge or SpeedFreak...suck! You put in this formula for failure and get set up with throwback wookie rejects and are miserable because only losers use these sites, me included. Yep I have entered my information for the plethera of fine ladies to gander and gawk at...I kid,I get hair lips and twinkiefangers. But my faith in being old and sour is founded.
Back in the day (I don't like that expression either)girls were flat like the world before Columbus. Now we have buxom female spectacles that are barely legal, if they are that.
Now if you watch CSI or other gritty crime Law and Odor shows you may have heard about the teenage sex parties. When did this happen? Is it because of moral degredation? Hormones in chicken? Latent esteem issues that come out in the back seat of a spin the bottle session?
I mentioned Nickhellodeon in the title and yeah I got a problem with them, not personally, mind you. But let's look at some of the 18+ girls that are on "kids" shows. And to think that somewhere a guy is watching these shows because his kids like them. These girls have boobs-a-poppin, wearing tight clothes and mini-skirts....wait, what was I saying. I got lost there for a second.

I don't want to date...there I said it, Hell I shouldn't even be allowed to date. A former Marine, with bi-polar disorder and a full blown emotional manipulator, c'mon. I am not saying that pulling a Quagmire wouldn't be in order. Hell if 20+ women can lust after older men or 40+ women hunt younger guys why can't I troll for 18+ booty? I have the stamina and if not I can always call SmileN'Bob! Jennette I'm coming for you da'lin.


  1. The quickest way to get over someone, is to get under someone else.. :) Smile Bro..It will get easier. Promise. Love Ya, Ilene

  2. all over the place baby!!
